Friday, January 8, 2010

Then it gets harder

Calories consumed: 1289
Calories burned: it's coming, it's coming

As expected, Thursday had its ups and downs.

As I've said, one of the things I have the most trouble saying no to is a bowl of cereal. And on days that I'm home, when we're all sitting at the TV eating breakfast, and Jack and Lila are crunching on cereal, the last thing I want is my same old oatmeal with blueberries. But I stayed strong and managed to eat my oatmeal and nothing else; not even a nibble of Lila's shredded wheat or Fruity Pebbles.

Lunch time was hard. On the first Thursday of every month, Lila and I volunteer at the lunch room at the catholic school where she'll be attending next year. They give us free lunch, although I never accept, but she does. Yesterday was a chicken patty sandwich, broccoli, applesauce, and rice. Because we get this food for free, I feel obligated that she eat it all, and when she doesn't, I will finish it. But not this time. I resisted as much as I could, and only ended up eating the broccoli that she didn't eat. How bad could that have been for me, right?

Next came a stop at my mother's, where my "no nibbling and no sweets" rules were tested. I didn't eat a huge lunch, so I was pretty hungry with the munchies by the time I got there. And there were crackers, pretzels, and cookies all within reach. I gave Lila a cookie (one of my favorites... gingerbread!), and I refrained. It was so hard, but I was determined to not give in. So I didn't. I ended up having some yogurt and edamame when I got home (not at the same time... ew!).

Dinner was good (meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and broccoli, and surprisingly only 548 calories for all of that), but afterwards, I was craving a sweet treat like you could not imagine. And then I remembered this blog. And I thought, I don't want to have to admit to giving in, so I'm not going to do it.

While I fully expect that I will give in one of these days, I can only hope that the choice I end up making will be a decent one.... perhaps sugar-free cookies or cake or something like that. I'm just sayin'.

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