Friday, January 15, 2010

A banner calorie statistic day

Calories consumed: 1932
Calories burned: 2827
Calorie deficit: 895

Thursday was a banner day, if you're just looking at my calorie statistics. I worked out in the morning, doing 45 minutes of high-impact cardio (Punch, Kick, and Jam with Chalene Johnson), and then 10 minutes of abs (again, Ab Jam with Chalene Johnson—I only did the floor segment). In the evening, I had a session with my personal trainer. That was a 60 minute session. I burned 333 calories in the morning, and 250 with Heather. That's a lot of extra calories burned.

The bad thing about that is that it makes me feel like I can cheat a little bit. So I did. Lila wanted to make rice krispy treats, so we did. And, of course, I had to eat some. I didn't eat much, but I probably ate more than I should have. This is my problem with making goodies, which is why, when I'm trying to really watch what I eat, I stop baking. I have no willpower when it comes to baked goods. But even with what I ate, I had a huge calorie deficit for the day. It was almost 400 calories more than it needed to be. At this rate, you would think I'd reach my goal pretty quickly, huh?

Well, think again. When I got on the scale this morning, the day after having such a huge calorie deficit, I was up 2 pounds. What is up with that? I don't understand it. And this is where every attempt I've made at losing weight over the last six months has ended. I get so discouraged when the scale goes up. I don't mind if, while trying to lose, it stays the same for a while, but for it to go up, and by 2 pounds, it just kills me. "One step forward, two steps back" does not make for a happy Lynnette.

My meals on Thursday were decent. I had my usual oatmeal with blueberries for breakfast. For lunch, I had 1 cup of a vegan soup I had in the pantry, along with one slice of toast with light butter, and probably an ounce (barely two) of pork. Dinner was a lean 3 ounce burger on a light bun, 1/2 a serving of one of those noodles and sauce things from Lipton, and brussels sprouts. Oh, and the rice krispy treats. Not bad, right?

After I got back from my evening workout session, I synced my Bodybugg and discovered that I had a calorie deficit of 1000 calories at that time. I thought that since I worked out so hard just an hour earlier, it was wise to eat something, even though it was 9:30 PM. So I had a 1/2 banana with 1 Tbsp. peanut butter, as well as a small bowl of shredded wheat. That last snack is what up'd my calories from the average I've been taking in (1300 to 1500 per day) to closer to 2000. But I read about how it's important to repair your muscles immediately after a weight training session, so I opted for eating, even though I wasn't starving. Was it this evening snack that made my scale think I was 2 pounds heavier this morning? I don't know. Maybe it was. I can only hope that it's back down 2 pounds by tomorrow morning.

I failed on my no nibbling and no sweets rule today, but I think I did ok with my small portions rule. And I worked out like a freak. So at least I did some things right.

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