Monday, January 11, 2010

A minor detour

I don't have "calories consumed" numbers to share with you for Sunday. I was a bad, bad girl. Well, kind of.

The day started off with me feeling pretty lousy. I've been nursing a sore throat since last Tuesday, and on Sunday morning, it was moving to my nose, so I was congested and very tired. I had trouble motivating myself to do anything. Lila and I skipped church for the second week in a row, which is very unlike me. The cold temperatures didn't help matters any, either.

So, breakfast consisted of two bowls of frosted shredded wheat. When I'm feeling low, I turn to food. It's bad, I know. I guess I'm easily classified as an emotional eater. I feel lousy, so I convince myself that I deserve this reward of whatever it is that I want to eat. I was like this all day. I tried to keep it in check, which I think I did, but I still snacked, had sweets, and ate more than I needed to. I failed on all three of my goals.

While I was preparing lunches for all of us, I snacked on Sun Chips. I was hungry. They were sitting there. So I ate some. Not a lot, but some. For lunch, I had a grilled ham and cheese sandwich, apple, cottage cheese, and some Sun Chips. Now I realize that none of these foods are bad for me (I even sparingly use light butter on my grilled sandwich), but it was more food than I needed to eat. It was good, but more than enough.

After lunch, I was really craving something cool and sweet, and wouldn't you know it, I had the last of some homemade ice cream that was in the freezer downstairs. So I finished that. It definitely satisfied. My throat was sore, so the coolness of the ice cream sliding down my throat felt so good. It really hit the spot.

I made chicken noodle soup for dinner. We bought some fresh Italian bread to go along with that. Now, I didn't really need the bread. The soup was hearty enough as it was, but I ate it anyway. Why can't I just say no!?!

So overall, my food choices weren't horrible for the day, but I didn't track the calories, and I didn't meet my goals. I keep telling myself that tomorrow is another day, and I get to try again. As long as I can stick to my routine at work, which is pretty easy for me to do, I should be ok.

Oh, and lastly, I didn't work out on Sunday. I usually never do. It is my day of rest.

The Bodybugg should be arriving today (Monday). Stay tuned for details on how that goes....

1 comment:

  1. I think you are too hard on yourself!

    I am no weight-loss expert, but it seems to me you are hungrier more often than you should be. I realize yesterday was not so much about hunger, but I almost feel sad every time I read your posts. If you can't slack off or give into cravings once in awhile, then you will probably be miserable in the long run.

    Many years ago, I did the eat-less-during-the-week, eat-a-lot-more-during-the-weekend deal (kind of what your friend suggested), and I lost about 10 pounds and kept it off for as long as I did that. Granted I was only 22 or 23, so I am sure my metabolism was faster. But it was something I could keep up with, without driving myself crazy and feeling guilty for everything I ate. It was the best I had ever done dieting (now, as we know, I mostly don't care).

    I know you have to do what works best for you. Just thinking about you!
