Thursday, January 14, 2010

My love/hate relationship with my bugg

Calories consumed: 1580
Calories burned: 2257
Calorie deficit: 677

I met my calorie deficit goal for the second day in a row. That's good news. However, I didn't quite meet my three goals of this new eating plan of mine.

For lunch on Wednesday, I had an off-site meeting for work where I had to choose what I wanted to eat from Au Bon Pain. I really like the food there, but like most places, most of it is really high in calories, and it's hard to find something satisfying for low calories. I opted for a Mediterranean Chicken Salad with balsamic dressing, and it came with a piece of multi-grain bread. The salad was around 300 calories, and the dressing another 100, and the bread was 250. From an outsider looking in, you might have thought that was a pretty well-balanced lunch, but 650 calories for a salad and a piece of bread? What do they put in this stuff? So I probably ate more of the bread than I should have. In fact, I probably shouldn't have eaten it at all.

At home while I was warming up everyone's dinner (it was a leftover night), I ended up nibbling at some snack crackers, as well as little bites of the things I was warming up. I was hungry. I couldn't wait. Honestly, I'm sure I could have, but the nibbler in me overtook my brain and made me do it.

And then on to the sweets. Are chocolate Cheerios considered a sweet, or just cereal? Because I gave in around 9:00 PM and had one serving of them, dry. I just needed something. And they were sweet, but not too sweet, fairly low in calories (100 calories for 3/4 cup), and hit the spot. I guess that was ok.

My workout Wednesday morning consisted of a 45 minute circuit training DVD—at least I think that's how you'd classify it. It was 5 minute intervals of high-impact cardio followed by 5 minutes of strength. The strength segments involve many body parts at once, so it, too, is very aerobic. And I did a 10-minute ab program, too. If I'm remembering correctly, this routine burned about 250 calories. I was surprised it wasn't more.

So my love/hate feelings towards my bugg happened after I logged my lunch. I was happy to know how many calories I had burned in the day to that point, so for that, I love my bugg. But at the same time, I was mad at it, because it made me realize how hard I need to work out to maintain my desired deficit in order to lose weight. Losing weight is hard work, at least for me, and I guess I just need to accept that fact. I'm not one of those people, like my husband, who can just watch what he eats for a couple of months and lose 25 pounds, and then miraculously keep it off. I have to work out, and work out hard, and watch what I eat very carefully, in order to see progress. And that can be very hard to accept. But I'm trying.

Until tomorrow....

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