Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It's here, it's here!

Calories consumed: 1363
Calories burned: will tell you tomorrow!

The title of this post refers to my Bodybugg. It arrived yesterday. But before I tell you about that, let me tell you about my day yesterday.

My day was good. I didn't work out because I felt it was more important to get some rest than to exercise. I've been battling a cold for almost a week, and it's at its peak, I think. I felt good, considering I sound very congested, and I have these awful coughing fits, but I got really tired around 4:30. Could have taken a nap. Went home instead.

I did very well yesterday with sticking to my goals. No nibbling, no sweets, and small portions. Yay me! Having this cold, I guess I'm not as prone to picking at food, so it wasn't even a struggle. And I was down a pound when I weighed in this morning. Life is good.

Sometimes it's hard to know how far you can push your caloric intake without jeopardizing your weight. After I had lost a lot of weight on Weight Watchers in the summer of 2008, I stopped paying close attention to what I was eating. Instead, I continued to weigh myself every day, and was shocked at what I was able to eat without gaining weight. So I felt safe, and I was eating whatever I wanted. But then I turned 40. You know how "they" say that your metabolism slows down every decade? Well, I think mine stopped the day I turned 40, because instantly, I started gaining weight, even though I was still eating the same things I had been eating for the past few months without gaining weight. It was a drag.

I think my new Bodybugg will help me. You wear it as much as possible, and it calculates the amount of calories you've burned for the day. So far today, I've burned 728 calories, and I've only consumed 137. As long as I can maintain a deficit over an extended period of time, I'll lose weight. Once I reach my goal, which is 125 pounds, the Bodybugg will still help. By knowing how many calories you're burning, and by continuing to track what you're consuming, you can balance your weight easily. And maybe after doing that for a while, I won't need the Bodybugg as a crutch anymore, and I'll learn how much I can eat to maintain my weight. That's the goal I'd like to reach within the next six months.

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