Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sundays are for snacks and sweets

Calories consumed: 1803
Calories burned: 2209
Calorie deficit: 406

It's hard to believe I even had a deficit yesterday. Sunday was terrible. I ate so poorly, but it was all so good. Again, I started the day with my oatmeal and blueberries, but I ended up having to have a protein shake for dinner because I splurged so grossly at lunch.

We went to my in-laws for an early dinner Sunday afternoon. Do you call that "lunner"? Or maybe "lupper"? At any rate, I ate almost 1500 calories at that event, if my counting is accurate at all. It's hard to count accurately when you're eating food that someone else has prepared, and you don't quite know what they put in it. Oh, and I just realized that I failed to count the salad dressing. Sheesh.

So what did I eat that made up those 1500 calories? A pulled beef sandwich with a little cheese on it, a small bowl of tortellini soup with a little cheese on it, and salad with olives and roasted peppers. Then, for dessert, I made angel food cake. But, of course, I couldn't just serve it plain. I took strawberries that I had mixed with some sugar earlier in the day, a can of Reddi-Whip, and hot fudge sauce. I had two slices of angel food cake, and half of an oatmeal raisin cookie. But come on, be honest. Haven't we all eaten like this now and again? And do we ever think we're really taking in that many calories? I would guess not. I know for me, for as much of a label reader as I am, I never think that what I'm eating is as many calories as it really is. And this meal was no different. I was shocked after I entered all of my food to see the total for the afternoon come close to 1500.

I was so disgusted with how I ate that I couldn't wait to get home and fit a workout in. In fact, I was just saying yesterday morning how glad I was that it was Sunday because I don't work out on Sundays and I felt like my body could use a rest. But on the way home, I was feeling worse about how I ate than I was feeling tired, so I did 30 minutes of brisk walking on the treadmill, and about 20 minutes of weights. Turned out that I burned about 260 calories during those activities. I felt good about that.

So how do you go to a party, or dinner at a friend's house, or out to dinner, and still remain loyal to your eating plan, whatever that may be? It's so hard. I don't know how to do this successfully. Sure, had I not eaten the dessert, I would have saved... oh my gosh, I just figured this out... 750 calories. See why one of my goals for my diet (and when I say diet, I mean my way of eating for the rest of my life, not a diet for this month where I'm trying to lose weight) is to stay away from sweets? I can't be trusted around any baked goods, ice cream, or chocolate. My dessert was half of my meal.

My name is Lynnette, and I'm a sugarholic.

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