Thursday, February 18, 2010

Struggling with it all

I don't even have calorie burns or calorie intakes to share with you. My week has been horrible. I'm really struggling right now, and I can't seem to get back on the wagon. But I have to find a way, and I will, I promise.

Monday, we ended up having to take Lila to my in-law's so she could spend the night. My mother-in-law watches her on Tuesdays, and was unable to come to our house on Tuesday this week. They live about 35 minutes away. To top it off, it was snowing, so it took a while to get home from work and get Lila, then to get out to their house. When we got there, she had made homemade chicken noodle soup, which I was extremely grateful for. I've been nursing a stuffy nose and cough for almost six weeks now, and it seems to be getting worse again, so the soup was fantastic. But, of course, in usual Lynnette style, I splurged on treats after dinner. Aren't I supposed to be watching what I eat, and didn't I give up sweets as my New Year's resolution? Why can't I stick with it? Ok, so fine, maybe it's ok that I have a sweet now and again, but give me an inch, and I will take a mile. I had a slice of a pastry bread, kind of like monkey bread. It was delicious. I went in for a small bite after I ate my slice. Then I had two pieces of chocolate. I couldn't stop.

Tuesday, we had to pick Lila up at the in-law's after work. Again, it was snowing, so it took a while to get there. Again, thankfully, my mother-in-law (who we all lovingly refer to as Bubby) made us dinner: chicken in a cranberry sauce, vegetables, and rice pilaf. But yet again, after dinner, I gave in and had 4 pieces of chocolate this time. It was too much. I could feel it. I felt miserable in the car on the way home. I just wanted to get into my comfy pants. You know that feeling, right?

Wednesday, I was going to church for Ash Wednesday shortly after we got home from work, so I barely had time to eat. Plus, no meat on Ash Wednesday. Actually, Wednesday was my best day so far this week. I was able to track my calories, as I ate everything in my bodybugg meal plan for the day, and ended up at around 1300 calories consumed. But since we were eating at Bubby's both Monday and Tuesday, and I don't know what ingredients she uses, I was unable to track my calories. And when I have a day or two where I can't track during the week, it makes me unmotivated to track anything else the rest of the week.

Even today, Thursday, I'm not tracking again. We took my niece to lunch today at Mad Mex, so there was no way I was going to be able to get the calories for my meal. So when we got home, I had several chocolate graham crackers, some with peanut butter spread on them. What is wrong with me? I can't seem to stop this insanity.

To top it off, I had a horrible weight week. When I weighed in on Monday, I was down a pound, which was great. But then on Tuesday and Wednesday, I was up by 1.2, then 1.4 pounds. Where did that come from? Now the weird thing is that today, I was back down to a few tenths of a pound below where I was on Monday. I don't understand the way our bodies gain and lose weight like that. I know it's a small amount, and I should consider it negligible, but I just wish I understood it.

I honestly can't remember what I did for workouts this week. They've been very sporadic. I remember walking/jogging on the treadmill one day. I remember yesterday, I tried to workout, but because of my cold, found I had no energy to do anything, so I ended up just taking a leisurely walk on the treadmill. Today, I was too tired, so I didn't do anything. I've considered going outside and shoveling the snow off of our deck, but I don't see that happening. So I decided to bake jack a coconut cream pie instead. The good news is that I don't like coconut, so I won't be tempted to eat any of this pie!

So that's my story for the week. I haven't had time to blog until now, and I'm struggling with keeping my goals. But as I always say, tomorrow is a new day, and I will start again. I just hope I can stick with it this time.

1 comment:

  1. Don't be so hard on yourself! We all struggle who try to diet and have setbacks -- that you recognize it and resolve to do better is the important thing. I've read that having a cold (& the usual meds) makes you retain water, so it's really hard to lose then. Besides, muscle weighs more than fat -- all that exercise you do will pay off (and probably already is). Hang in there!
