Monday, February 8, 2010

How I'm like a two year old

From Friday
Calories consumed: 1512
Calories burned: 2335
Calorie deficit: 823

From Saturday
Calories burned: 2463

From Sunday
Calories burned: 2288

Routine, routine, routine. I really do much better following a healthy eating program when I'm in a routine, just like a two year old. See, on Friday when I was at work, as it usually is on work days, I was able to maintain a calorie deficit that was even higher than my goal of 500 calories. However, I must admit, I didn't do as well with any of my three rules for the new year. I ended up nibbling on some food during lunch that wasn't mine (Jack's Sun Chips), and after dinner, I had I cup of hot chocolate with Lila. Who can resist a 5-year old asking you to have hot cocoa with them, especially when it was starting to snow pretty hard outside? The two just go together (hot cocoa and snow, that is). And then for dinner, I didn't really pay attention to my portion sizes. I probably would have filled up with less food, but I didn't care. Why is that? Regardless, I'm grateful that when all was said and done, I managed to stay within my goal for the day.

On Saturday, I usually go to Zumba, but the darn snow storm (Snowapalooza is the term the media is using that I find catchy) really screwed everything up. By Saturday morning when we woke up, there was so much snow, the snow on our deck was almost to the bottom of our bay window. That was about 19 inches. Then it kept snowing for several more hours and we ended up somewhere around 21 or 22 inches total, I think. So we weren't going anywhere on Saturday. I also knew that we'd be shoveling snow that day, so I didn't bother doing a regular work-out routine at home. So yeah, those 2400 calories that I burned that day? I ended up with such a high burn because of all the shoveling. It was hard, heavy, and took forever. And Jack and I even shared the load.

But the other thing that the snow screwed up was my diet. I'm not sure why this happens, but it was like, emotionally, I just couldn't bear to pay attention to what I was eating. It was like I used the snow storm as an excuse to not care. Now, all in all, I'm hoping I didn't sabotage my diet too much. The worst thing about Saturday, I think, was the 9 pancakes I had for breakfast. They're not huge. Maybe 2-1/2 to 3 inches in diameter. And they were good. Lunch was a grilled ham and cheese like we have every weekend (at least I use low-fat cheese!). Dinner was a Weight Watchers frozen dinner. Now, of course, in between all that, I probably ate some bad choices. I think after dinner, I had a few pieces of chocolate. So, because the day started off with homemade pancakes that I didn't feel like tracking, I didn't track anything I ate. I blame it on the snow.

Sunday wasn't any better. I couldn't resist sharing cereal with Jack and Lila for breakfast. We had Cocoa Puffs. Who can resist Cocoa Puffs? I'm cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, aren't you? Anyway, I did at least try really hard to have a very small bowl. I made jack put them away right after I poured my meager 1/2 cup serving. Lunch, again, was grilled ham and cheese. Sunday was the Super Bowl, and we had a friend over to watch, so I made pulled turkey sandwiches on whole wheat buns, a whole wheat pasta salad (recipe from Cooking Light), and a lemon meringue pie for dessert. The problem with this is that I nibbled as I baked the pie, and we also had bought a bag of snacks (you know, the cheesy kind that has pretzels, Doritos, cheese curls, and Sun Chips, all in one bag), and I couldn't stop eating those. I don't think I did too much damage. Maybe 1 cup when all was said and done, but still. So again, because of the kind of day it was, I didn't track my food.

Not tracking my food doesn't help me much with my bodybugg. See, if I was tracking, by the time I weigh in again, I'm able to see if I'm tracking accurately or not. If I'm not tracking, there's no way for the program to know. I need to get better at that. I need to train myself to not use the weekends, and they're lack of routine, as an excuse to not track food. Maybe someday I can have that part of my brain that craves routine grow up from being a 2 year old to being a 41 year old.

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