Monday, February 8, 2010

Baking is my passion, and my nemesis

Calories consumed: 1687
Calories burned: 2406
Calorie deficit: 719

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I cannot find the motivation and willpower that I need to maintain a healthy diet when I'm at home. Monday was a perfect example of this. Lila's daycare was closed due to the crazy snowstorm we had over the weekend. I was determined to stick to my guns and not eat poorly just because I was at home.

See, the nice thing about the routine of work days is that I eat the same thing every day, from the time I get up, until dinner time. Now, that may sound boring, but it's what helps me be able to stick to my calorie intake goal each day. It's easy to stay on track when you already know exactly what you're going to eat, and how many calories it's worth.

But when I'm home, everything is fair game. Since I have more food available to me, I'm not limited to eating a salad for lunch, and since time is of no concern, I can graze on several different kinds of cereal as I leisurely eat breakfast in front of the TV. And since I have so much available to me, I tend to give in to baking.

Now, baking is my passion. I don't know when it became that way; I mean, I've always enjoyed baking for as long as I can remember, but it wasn't until recently (well, as recent as the past 10 years, I'd say) that I really started enjoying it more and more. Maybe it was because I was sharing my baking with others more often, which, in turn, would make me want to bake more because my baking always made people happy. My boss even proposed to me once after eating my apple pie for the first time. Sorry for that sidebar, but my point is that when I'm home, and there's flour and sugar in the pantry, and eggs and butter in the fridge, I'm a-bakin'. And it's not like I can remove the temptation to bake and get rid of these staple ingredients that we use all the time in everyday cooking.

So, being home on Monday, I baked. I made Valentine's Day cut-out cookies. And I tried chewing gum so I wouldn't be tempted to eat the dough, but then something hit me, the gum was in the trash, and the next thing I knew, I bet I had eaten three cookies worth in dough. This is why I like to stay busy on my days off; it keeps me from the kitchen.

So overall, aside from the three raw cookies, and the two I ate after they were baked (oh crap, I just realized it was three, and at 100 calories each, that was a lot of wasted calories), I did really well with eating. And I even motivated myself to work out this morning (which is hard to do on days when we're all home). I did 20 minutes on the treadmill, plus a 30 minute aerobics DVD, which, in total, burned about 320 calories. I was supposed to have personal training tonight, but it was canceled due to the snow. Stupid snow. Have I said that yet? Anyway, by the end of the night, I was close to meeting my calorie burn and step target for the day, so I joined Lila at her crazy dance club in our kitchen where we jumped around like loons until my alarm went off that told me I met my targets for the day. Whew! That was fun.

Anyway, I guess since I have so much trouble when I'm not in the routine of it all, I should consider using bodybugg's meal plans. They have a bunch of meals already planned out for me each day, and if I were to follow the plan for the day, I'd end up consuming the right amount of calories with the right amount of nutrients (carbs vs. protein vs. fat). Maybe I need to study up on this idea a bit more; it could be the thing that helps me stay on track.

Oh, and today was a weigh-in day. I was down one pound to 132, which is what I was supposed to lose in a week. The bad news is that, with that Disney World trip, I'm still two pounds behind schedule. My bodybugg coach suggested I do an extra 30 minutes of workout a day for a week and that that should get me back on track. But I'm a morning workout person because I find it impossible to work out in the evening, so trying to fit in a 30 minute walk/jog on the treadmill at 7:00 at night is going to be really hard to do. Do I consider waking up at 5:15 AM in order to fit this in? Ugh, I shudder at the thought.

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