Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pick yourself up again

Calories consumed: 1411
Calories burned: 2304
Calorie deficit: 893

Wow, that's an awesome deficit. I'm telling you, though, I have to find new resolve to stick with this. Although I did well yesterday with the above stats, I failed this morning when I didn't get up to work out. This cold that I've been nursing for 7 weeks now is just wearing me out. It's hard to work out when you're having trouble breathing, and I get tired more quickly when I can't breathe well, and I'm up at night coughing often, so I've been sleeping in a lot (well, sleeping in to the point that I don't have time to exercise; I still wake up at 7:00 AM, which isn't really sleeping in).

Anyway, let's talk about yesterday. I had every intention of waking up and exercising, but Lila woke me up at 5:25 AM to tell me she had a sweet dream that made her cry—sweet kid, I know. I put her back to bed, and would have normally woke up at 5:45 AM, but knowing that I would have to wake up in 20 minutes after I put her back to bed would have left me awake that whole time. So I opted to not workout, and get an extra hour of sleep. But last night, I had a personal training session, so at least I got some exercise in. However, I only burned about 210 calories for an hour of training. I guess weight lifting isn't as strenuous as aerobics, and although we do circuits where we add in cardio, it wasn't much. But 210 is better than nothing.

Last night at training, I was remeasured. My measurements are down a total of 2-1/4 inches from when I started back in December. My arms are down by 1/4 inch each, my waist by 1 inch, my hips by 1/4 inch, and my thighs by 1/4 inch each. While this is good, and I'm happy I lost something, some of the other girls that I do training with, however, have lost 2 or more inches from one spot like their hips or their waists. I'm not sure what they're doing right and I'm doing wrong to have made such great progress. Two of us are fairly equal in size, as far as our height to weight ratios, and the other two are equal, too, just in a different way, so it's not that any of us really have much to lose in the first place. I'm just surprised that some of the other girls lost more than I did. Granted, I don't really know what they're like at home, what they eat, or how much they exercise. But are they really doing that much more than me that made their results so wonderful?

So maybe I'm fooling myself. Maybe, although I'm tracking my calories on most days, I'm not tracking accurately, and I'm really eating more than I think I am. Or on days when I'm not tracking, I'm overeating and not realizing it. I just don't know. And maybe I just don't work out as hard as I think I do.

But yet I persevere. I'm going to continue to try to stay on the healthy eating wagon, to lose a bit more weight, and to tone my body. I know I let these things get the better of me sometimes, but I must find a way to pick myself back up again, and try, try, try.

1 comment:

  1. We all have good days and bad days. My favorite saying is, "This is a marathon not a sprint." Helps when I miss workouts...you'll make it! Keep going!
