Thursday, February 11, 2010

Strong urges

Calories consumed: 1564
Calories burned: 2152
Calorie deficit: 588

So Wednesday turned out to be a little better. I was able to keep my calories in check by refraining from too much junk. But somehow, my three goals for healthy eating have just gone out the door this week. I'm so off track, it's not even funny. I'm behind by 500 calories. You know, the formula is to have a total deficit of 3500 calories for the week, as that will equal one pound of weight loss. But because I ate so poorly on Tuesday, and actually had a surplus, I'm behind by 500 calories. I'm not sure how I'm going to make this up, as it just will require me to work out more, and that means needing to find the time to do so. This is so hard.

Anyway, on Wednesday, we were home yet again due to the inclement weather. I worked out in the morning by doing a weight routine that burns a decent amount of calories, followed by a 20 minute cardio routine. I also spent some time shoveling snow—again.

My breakfast was normal, lunch was good (tuna on a light, whole wheat slice of toast, plus a bowl of Progresso light soup), and dinner was small (hamburger, no bun, pasta salad, and green beans). But at that point, I had eaten so few calories that I was pretty hungry at 7:00 pm, so I had some popcorn. A little while later, still hungry and very munchy, I had some handfuls of Cocoa Puffs. I can't wait until those are out of the pantry. They're addicting.

If I could change one thing about yesterday, I wouldn't have eaten the Cocoa Puffs. Did I really need them? No. I had the munchies, I wanted to eat something sweet and chocolately, and that didn't have a lot of calories. This was a perfect match, but in the end, I still didn't need it. I don't know what happens to me. Somehow, I let this urge to eat sweets rule my life. It takes over my brain and all of my logical thinking; it gets past the dreaded thoughts of what I'll look like some day if I continue to eat sweets in this manner. I have to find a way to overrule that part of my brain. I guess the problem is that on some days, I care less about how I'll look, and care more about how good that piece of chocolate is going to taste. But I don't know how that's possible when I obsess as much as I do about the way I look now and in the future. It must be a pretty strong urge to eat sweets to get past my obsession about gaining weight. And how do you curb such a strong urge? I wish there was a solution to that question. Right now, I'm not feeling it.

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