Thursday, March 10, 2011

The things I struggle with

I wasn't able to make it to my Weight Watchers meeting last week, but I did weigh in at home. I think I was down a pound from the week before. I weighed in this morning at home, and I'm down even a little bit more. So since the last time I wrote two weeks ago, I've dropped another 2.6 pounds, for a total loss of 8.8 pounds, and I'm now weighing in at 127.6. I haven't weighed 127 (yes, I'm rounding down for discussion's sake) since I was super successful with Weight Watchers back in 2008. So as you could guess, I'm very happy right now. I think the thing I'm most happy about is how easy dropping the pounds continues to be. This program suits me so perfectly. I find it's easier than counting calories, which seems strange, but it is.

Even though the program is easy, I still struggle with certain things. When I'm at work, for the most part, I'm able to keep my eating habits in check. However, Wednesdays are treat day when we rotate who brings in a goodie for the office. Breakfast foods are my favorite foods, so this is a big challenge for me. I try to not walk in the kitchen on those days. Some days I walk in and just smell what's in there. Yesterday, someone brought in a ton of bagels. Oh my gosh, it was next to impossible to walk out without a bagel in hand. I love bagels, especially cinnamon ones, toasted, with cream cheese and cinnamon sugar on them. But I don't eat them. It's very rare when I give in to the bagel. But that's hard. My strategy is to chew gum.

I chew gum often throughout the day. When I'm done with lunch and I need something sweet, I chew gum. It really helps me get through the cravings for sugar. I also recently bought these little fruit chewy things from Weight Watchers. They're like little JuJuBes candy, so they're super chewy, stick to your teeth, and you actually have to suck on them for a while to get them soft. But they're sweet enough and last long enough that by only eating a few, which don't cost any points, I can also curb my craving.

Another thing I struggle with also happens at work when we host a client meeting for breakfast or lunch. We go all out and treat our clients very well. Often there are leftovers, and leftovers go in the kitchen for the rest of the office to enjoy. Even if the leftovers aren't sweets, which are my biggest vice, I'm still tempted. One day there were these little avocado eggroll-like appetizers, and some days there's salad (but not usually lowfat dressing), or sandwich wraps, or whatever. Who doesn't like free food? But I've usually already eaten my lunch, or had my breakfast, or whatever, so I know that any of those leftovers that I would take would just be extra, unnecessary calories. I'd only be eating them because they looked good, not because I was hungry. So again, I just try to stay out of the kitchen. It's my best defense, although not always easy to do.

My biggest downfall, though, are my own baked goods. I've mentioned before that I love to bake, and I have a home-based business baking cookies and pies for the local farmer's market in the summer. But I bake all year round. Baked goods are my gift when a friend at work is celebrating a birthday, or someone just needs to feel loved for a day. I give them my treats. But I have a hard time not eating the batter or dough while I'm baking, and I have an even harder time not eating the stuff after it's baked. Often, I need to taste what I made to make sure it turned out correctly. But that's really hard, because once I take one bite, I can't stop. But I know that in order to keep this weight off, I have got to learn how to do this. I've tried chewing gum while I'm baking, but it's weird, because almost without even thinking, I toss my gum in the trash mid-way through baking because subconsciously, I'm preparing to eat the dough.

So those are my biggest struggles—the things I would love to eat every day, but have to work very hard at saying no to. What do you struggle with?

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