Sunday, April 4, 2010

A good start

I am always amazed when I have a very active day, and learn at the end of the day that I've burned more calories than I ever imagined. I had one day this past week where I burned 2700 calories! I think that's a record for me, or at least very close to my max. And, as it turns out, I was just pretty active that day. Sure, I did a workout in the morning, but nothing more strenuous than usual. But I stayed busy. I didn't sit much. I cooked dinner. I ran some errands. I find this amazing, and wish I could remember this when I'm at work. If I could just stand for half of the day, I bet I'd burn a good bit more calories than I do sitting all day.

Over the last couple of weeks, I also had a frustrating moment with one of my workouts. I have this workout that's called "500 Calorie Workout". Well, when I first got my bodybugg, I came to realize that I only burn about 400 calories doing this workout. Then one day last week, I only burned 325 calories doing that same workout. I trust my bodybugg, so I'm perplexed as to how my burn rate was so much lower this last time. I even think I used heavier weights, which, you would think, would cause me to burn more calories. Strange.

This past Friday, I actually got Jack to go outside for a walk/jog with me. I was impressed, as his stamina was much better than mine that day. It was super hot (at least it felt that way to me), and I was just dragging. But I was so proud of him for coming out with me. He's been walking/jogging on the treadmill at home, but has rarely ventured outside (to his credit, it was so cold for so long, but now it's starting to warm up). It was fun to have a partner. Speaking of partners, I think I'm going to start walking on Sunday mornings with a friend of mine that lives in the neighborhood. I'm excited for that. I like her a lot, and it will be nice to spend more time with her and get to know her better. I have another friend moving to my neighborhood this weekend, so I'm hoping that maybe I can have another walking partner, as well. I miss having a workout buddy.

So why the title of my post? Well, Friday night I came down with a stomach virus. I hate those pesky things, and thankfully, I rarely get them. This one was a doozy, but fortunately only lasted for about 8 hours. But in those 8 hours, I lost about 6 pounds! Now, I realize that a lot of that is water weight, but I'm hoping that seeing the scale measure a number below 130, I might stay motivated to really eat smaller portions and try to keep most of that weight off. So I'm off to a good start. Let's just hope I can stay on the wagon this time.


  1. I'm in! I wanna be your walking partner!! :)

  2. Hey girl,

    I only WISH I weighed what you weigh on your bad days! I agree with Facie about keeping active, and add that my diabetic diet plan still works wonders--lots of raw veggies, whole grains in moderation, lean meats and beans, smaller meals supplemented with substantial healthy snacks more often--it all still works if I stick to it most of the time (I don't!) And best wishes on the baking venture--how exciting!
